Welcome to Ludza municipality!

Ludza municipality greets everyone with the sunrise, green summers and white winters, with peace, generosity and a feeling of stability contrasting with crowd and anxiety of a big city. Nature itself, endowing our municipality with a picturesque relief, woodland and waters, invites everyone to use its profusion and preserve these gifts also for the next generations. Attistibas_programmas_fonam

Ludza municipality is a borderland municipality and is located in the eastern part of Latgale region. Its total territory occupies 966 square kilometers (total area of rural municipalities – 955 km2, the town – 11 km2). The population of the municipality is 13,733 inhabitants. The territory of Ludza municipality is formed of 1 town – Ludza and 9 rural municipality administrations – Brigi, Cirma, Isnauda, Istra, Nirza, Nuksi, Pilda, Pureni and Rundeni. The administrative centre of the municipality is Ludza town. It is located 267 km from the capital of Latvia – Riga, 122 km from Daugavpils and 30 km from Rezekne. Ludza municipality is located in the border area, which has significantly affected national composition of population. Except for the dominating nationalities – Latvians and Russians – also Belarussians, Ukrainians, Poles and people of other nationalities live in the municipality. Ludza municipality is considered to be a gate between east and west.

ML_Nirzas_ezersSince 1 May 2004, the border of the municipality has become the border of European Union. The territory of the municipality is crossed by the main state motorway A12 Jekabpils – Rezekne – Ludza – Russian border (Terehova), part of an international highway E22 Riga – Moscow, and an international railway Riga – Moscow. Transport infrastructure and the border with Russian Federation make the municipality attractive to freight forwarders and offer possibilities for development of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of transport service. The current transport infrastructure is being constantly improved, which creates positive aspect for environment quality. Ludza municipality is one of the municipalities of Latvia which are richest in lakes. In the territory of the municipality, 106 lakes with the total area of 5,230.7 ha are located. ML_Istra

Ludza municipality is open for cooperation partners, entrepreneurs, active people, who have new ideas and plans to be realized! Activity of our municipality is directed towards development of entrepreneurship, cleaning of living environment, development of the sphere of trade and consumer services, as well as support of tourism in the municipality.

Ziemas pārgājiens

Ziema ir labākais laiks doties garākā vai īsākā pārgājienā. Tieši tāpēc, 28. decembrī Ludzas novada tūrisma centrs, sadarbībā ar Latgale.Travel aicina doties 15 km garā Ziemas pārgājienā pa garo distanču